Saturday, July 6, 2013

Share a coke :D

So after putting off getting up and dressed for about an hour......I finally got up and made myself decent for the day :)

Went with my usual make up :) 
Recently found one of my pairs of owl earrings that i had lost one of, i was so happy so i had to wear them today! 

I missed these so much!
finally able to wear them again
Got these bad boys in Kembali Galway for  €4

Leggings and skirt: Pennys Galway  €15- €20
Under Shirt......not sure where i got this XD
Baggy Top: Gift from Sabrina

After getting ready i cleaned the house and Sabrina showed up with her 3 sisters. 
We went into town together to go get a coke can with our name on it!
Nothing ever has my name on it so i was pretty excited :D

Unfortunately the weather in Galway was not the best even though we were told we'd have a 'heat wave'....HAH...although turns out everywhere else in Ireand had a great day....

Well i got my coke can anyway :D

Left to Right: Sophie, Myself, Sexy Coke Man, Shannon, Sasha, Sabrina.
Very happy with our coke cans.

Had some chill out time with Sabrina in Eyre Square

And busted out to some Guitar Hero with Dave

I also had the chance to go to the cinema today to see Despicable Me 2 with Sabrina and her sister Sophie. I really enjoyed the film....cant wait to watch it again!

Well thats my day pretty much summed up in a few sentences! 
Now just chillin with the girls, playing guitar hero and drinking some tea....
Perfect end to the day!


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